Vilhelm Buhl date of birth:

October 16, 1881

How old was Vilhelm Buhl when died?


Where was Vilhelm Buhl born?

Fredericia, Denmark

When did Vilhelm Buhl die?

December 18, 1954

Where did Vilhelm Buhl die?

Copenhagen, Denmark

Is Vilhelm Buhl gay or straight?


What is Vilhelm Buhl's ethnicity?


What is Vilhelm Buhl nationality?


What is Vilhelm Buhl's occupation?


Short Biography

Vilhelm Buhl (16 October 1881 – 18 December 1954) was Prime Minister of Denmark from 4 May 1942 to 9 November 1942 as head of the Unity Government (the Cabinet of Vilhelm Buhl I) during the German occupation of Denmark of World War II, until the Nazis ordered him removed. He was Prime Minister again from 5 May 1945 to 7 November 1945 as head of a unity government (the Cabinet of Vilhelm Buhl II) after the liberation of Denmark by the British Field Marshal Montgomery.