Agnes Szatmari date of birth:

June 28, 1987

How old is Agnes Szatmari?


Where was Agnes Szatmari born?

Gheorgheni, Romania

How tall is Agnes Szatmari?

5' 3½" (161 cm)

How much does Agnes Szatmari weigh?

120 lbs (54.4 kg)

Agnes Szatmari body shape:


What color are Agnes Szatmari's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Agnes Szatmari's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Agnes Szatmari gay or straight?


What is Agnes Szatmari's ethnicity?


What is Agnes Szatmari nationality?


What is Agnes Szatmari's occupation?

Tennis Player

Agnes Szatmari claim to fame:

WTA singles ranking of 187.

Short Biography

Ágnes Szatmári (born 28 June 1987) is a professional Romanian tennis player.