What is Air Force Amy's middle name?


Air Force Amy date of birth:

August 5, 1965

How old is Air Force Amy?


Where was Air Force Amy born?

Ohio, United States

How tall is Air Force Amy?

5' 5" (165 cm)

How much does Air Force Amy weigh?

115 lbs (52.2 kg)

Air Force Amy body shape:


What color are Air Force Amy's eyes?


What color is Air Force Amy's hair?

Dyed Blonde

What is Air Force Amy's ethnicity?


What is Air Force Amy nationality?


What is Air Force Amy's occupation?


Air Force Amy claim to fame:

Most Famous Prostitute With Branch Of Armed Services In Their Name

Short Biography

Air Force Amy (born c.1962) is an American legal courtesan, adult model, certified sexologist, sex & relationship coach, sex educator, author and reality star TV in the HBO television documentary series Cathouse: The Series. MSNBC has called her "a living legend in the world of sex."