What is Alan Frew's middle name?


What is Alan Frew's full name?

Alan Graham Frew

Alan Frew date of birth:

November 8, 1956

How old is Alan Frew?


Where was Alan Frew born?

Coatbridge, Scotland

Alan Frew body shape:


What color is Alan Frew's hair?


Is Alan Frew gay or straight?


What is Alan Frew nationality?


What is Alan Frew's occupation?

Singer, Musician, Author and Public Speaker

Alan Frew claim to fame:

Glass Tiger

What genre is Alan Frew's work?

Rock, alternative rock

What instruments does Alan Frew play?

Vocals, guitar

Short Biography

Alan Graham Frew (born 8 November 1956) is the lead singer for the Canadian band, Glass Tiger, and has also released two solo albums. He has appeared on many television specials, raises money for various causes and continues to perform around Canada as a solo artist, and as the lead singer for Glass Tiger. He was born in 1956 in Coatbridge, Scotland.