What is Alan Wheatley's full name?

Alan Wheatley

Alan Wheatley date of birth:

April 19, 1907

How old was Alan Wheatley when died?


Where was Alan Wheatley born?

Tolworth, Surrey, England, United Kingdom

When did Alan Wheatley die?

August 30, 1991

Where did Alan Wheatley die?

London, England, UK

Why did Alan Wheatley die?

Heart Attack

Alan Wheatley body shape:


What color is Alan Wheatley's hair?

Salt and Pepper

What is Alan Wheatley's ethnicity?


What is Alan Wheatley nationality?


What is Alan Wheatley's occupation?

Actor and radio announcer

Alan Wheatley claim to fame:

Sleeping Car to Trieste (1948)

Short Biography

Alan Wheatley (19 April 1907 – 30 August 1991) was an English actor and former radio announcer.