Albert Glasser date of birth:
January 25, 1916
How old was Albert Glasser when died?
When did Albert Glasser die?
May 4, 1998
What is Albert Glasser's occupation?
composer, conductor, arranger
Short Biography
Albert Glasser (January 25, 1916 - May 4 1998) was a composer, conductor and arranger of film music, primarily in the realm of B-movies during the 1940s, 50s, and 60s. He scored approximately 200 films during his career, many for American International Pictures and director Bert I. Gordon. For the US War Department, Glasser composed for Frank Capra's Special Services Unit and for Office of War Information radio shows for overseas broadcasts. For television, he composed the score for the early western, The Cisco Kid. For radio, he composed scores for Hopalong Cassidy, Clyde Beatty, and Tarzan. Glasser joined ASCAP in 1950, and his popular song compositions include "Urubu", "The Cisco Kid", "Someday" and "I Remember Your Love". In addition to his composition work, Glasser was an amateur radio operator (K6RFU).