What is Alejandro Monteverde's full name?

Jose Alejandro Gomez Monteverde

Alejandro Monteverde date of birth:

July 13, 1977

How old is Alejandro Monteverde?


Where was Alejandro Monteverde born?

Tampico, Tamaulipas, México

Alejandro Monteverde body shape:


What color are Alejandro Monteverde's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Alejandro Monteverde's hair?


What religion is Alejandro Monteverde?

Roman Catholic

What is Alejandro Monteverde nationality?


What is Alejandro Monteverde's occupation?


Short Biography

Jose Alejandro Gomez Monteverde (born July 13, 1977) is a Mexican film director. His first film, Bella took top prize at the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival by winning the “People's Choice Award”.