What is Aleks Çaçi's full name?

Aleks Çaçi

Aleks Çaçi date of birth:

August 15, 1916

How old was Aleks Çaçi when died?


Where was Aleks Çaçi born?

Himara, Albania

When did Aleks Çaçi die?

February 23, 1989

Where did Aleks Çaçi die?

Tirana, Albania

What color are Aleks Çaçi's eyes?


What color is Aleks Çaçi's hair?

Brown - Light

Is Aleks Çaçi gay or straight?


What religion is Aleks Çaçi?

Eastern Orthodox

What is Aleks Çaçi's ethnicity?


What is Aleks Çaçi nationality?


What is Aleks Çaçi's occupation?


Short Biography

Aleks Çaçi (born 15 August 1916 in the village of Palasë in Himara died in 23 February 1989 in Tirana) was an Albanian author of the socialist realism time.