Alexander Pokryshkin date of birth:

March 6, 1913

How old was Alexander Pokryshkin when died?


Where was Alexander Pokryshkin born?

Novosibirsk, Russia

When did Alexander Pokryshkin die?

November 13, 1985

Where did Alexander Pokryshkin die?

Moscow, Russia

Alexander Pokryshkin body shape:


What color are Alexander Pokryshkin's eyes?


What color is Alexander Pokryshkin's hair?

Salt and Pepper

Is Alexander Pokryshkin gay or straight?


What is Alexander Pokryshkin's ethnicity?


What is Alexander Pokryshkin nationality?


What is Alexander Pokryshkin's occupation?

Military man

Alexander Pokryshkin claim to fame:

Soviet flying ace and a Marshal of the Soviet Air Force. He was made a Hero of the Soviet Union on three separate occasions

Short Biography

Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin (Russian: Алекса́ндр Ива́нович Покры́шкин; 6 March 1913 – 13 November 1985) was a top Soviet flying ace and a Marshal of the Soviet Air Force. He was made a Hero of the Soviet Union on three separate occasions (24 May 1943, 24 August 1943, and 19 August 1944).