What is Alexandra Kabi's full name?

Alexandra Kabi

Alexandra Kabi date of birth:

November 19, 1971

How old is Alexandra Kabi?


Where was Alexandra Kabi born?

Lyon, France

How tall is Alexandra Kabi?

5' 8" (173 cm)

Alexandra Kabi body shape:


What color are Alexandra Kabi's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Alexandra Kabi's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Alexandra Kabi gay or straight?


What is Alexandra Kabi's ethnicity?


What is Alexandra Kabi nationality?


What is Alexandra Kabi's occupation?

Actress, model

Alexandra Kabi claim to fame:

The Four Feathers (2002)

Alexandra Kabi body measurements:


Short Biography

Alexandra Kabi was born on November 19, 1971 in Lyon, France. She is an actress, known for The Four Feathers (2002), Le juste prix (1987) and Edenquest: Pamela Anderson (1995).