Andrew Alberts date of birth:

June 30, 1981

How old is Andrew Alberts?


Where was Andrew Alberts born?

Minneapolis, Minnesota

How tall is Andrew Alberts?

6' 5" (196 cm)

How much does Andrew Alberts weigh?

218 lbs (98.9 kg)

Andrew Alberts body shape:


What color are Andrew Alberts's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Andrew Alberts's hair?


Is Andrew Alberts gay or straight?


What is Andrew Alberts's ethnicity?


What is Andrew Alberts nationality?


What is Andrew Alberts's occupation?

Ice Hockey Player

Short Biography

Andrew James Alberts (born June 30, 1981) is an American professional ice hockey defenseman who is currently an Unrestricted Free Agent, having last played for the Vancouver Canucks of the National Hockey League (NHL). He additionally played in the NHL with the Boston Bruins, Philadelphia Flyers and Carolina Hurricanes. A stay-at-home defenseman, he was known for playing a physical style of game.