What is Anton Lubowski's full name?

Anton Theodor Eberhard August Lubowski

Anton Lubowski date of birth:

February 3, 1952

How old was Anton Lubowski when died?


Where was Anton Lubowski born?

Lüderitz, Namibia

When did Anton Lubowski die?

September 12, 1989

Where did Anton Lubowski die?

Windhoek, Namibia

Why did Anton Lubowski die?


Anton Lubowski body shape:


What color is Anton Lubowski's hair?

Brown - Dark

What is Anton Lubowski's ethnicity?


What is Anton Lubowski nationality?


What is Anton Lubowski's occupation?

Politician, Activist

Anton Lubowski claim to fame:

Assassinated by operatives of South Africa’s Civil Cooperation Bureau

Short Biography

Anton Theodor Eberhard August Lubowski (3 February 1952 – 12 September 1989) was a Namibian anti-apartheid activist and advocate. He was a member of the South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) In 1989 he was assassinated by operatives of South Africa’s Civil Cooperation Bureau.