Anton Malyshev date of birth:

February 24, 1985

How old is Anton Malyshev?


Where was Anton Malyshev born?

Saint Petersburg, Russia

How tall is Anton Malyshev?

5' 11" (180 cm)

How much does Anton Malyshev weigh?

170 lbs (77.1 kg)

Anton Malyshev body shape:


What color are Anton Malyshev's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Anton Malyshev's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Anton Malyshev gay or straight?


What is Anton Malyshev's ethnicity?


What is Anton Malyshev nationality?


What is Anton Malyshev's occupation?

Ice Hockey Player

Short Biography

Anton Malyshev (born February 24, 1985) is a Russian professional ice hockey player. He is currently playing with VMF Karelia of the Supreme Hockey League (VHL).