Bobby Goldsboro date of birth:

January 18, 1941

How old is Bobby Goldsboro?


Where was Bobby Goldsboro born?

Marianna, Florida, USA

Bobby Goldsboro body shape:


What color is Bobby Goldsboro's hair?

Brown - Dark

What is Bobby Goldsboro nationality?


What is Bobby Goldsboro's occupation?

Country Singer

Bobby Goldsboro claim to fame:

Signature #1 classic "Honey"

What genre is Bobby Goldsboro's work?

Country, Adult Contemporary, Pop

What instruments does Bobby Goldsboro play?

Vocals, guitar

Short Biography

Bobby Goldsboro (born January 18, 1941) is an American pop and country singer-songwriter. He had a string of pop and country hits in the 1960s and 1970s, including his signature No. 1 hit "Honey", which sold over one million copies in the United States.