Carl Lamac date of birth:

January 27, 1887

How old was Carl Lamac when died?


Where was Carl Lamac born?

Prague, Czech Republic

When did Carl Lamac die?

August 2, 1952

Where did Carl Lamac die?

Hamburg, Germany

Carl Lamac body shape:


What color is Carl Lamac's hair?

Salt and Pepper

Is Carl Lamac gay or straight?


What is Carl Lamac's ethnicity?


What is Carl Lamac nationality?


What is Carl Lamac's occupation?

Film director, actor, screenwriter, film producer

Short Biography

Karel Lamač (27 January 1897 – 2 August 1952) was a Czech film director, actor, screenwriter and producer. He directed 102 films between 1919 and 1953. He also appeared in 61 films between 1919 and 1938.