What is Carla's full name?
Carla Nicloe Castillo
Carla date of birth:
January 17, 1961
How old was Carla when died?
Where was Carla born?
Rochester, New York
When did Carla die?
November 16, 1971
Where did Carla die?
Rochester, New York
Is Carla gay or straight?
What religion is Carla?
What is Carla's ethnicity?
What is Carla nationality?
Carla claim to fame:
Victim Of The Alphabet Killer
Who is Carla's father?
Jay Castillo
Who is Carla's mother?
Elisa Castillo
Carla friends:
Makayla Smith (Bestfriend), Wendy Walsh (Bestfriend), Stan (Bestfriend), Kyle (Bestfriend), Melissa Maestro (Bestfriend), Kayla Colemen (Bestfriend)
Short Biography
Hi Guys My Name Is Carla CastilloI Was Born And Rise In Rochester, NewYork. I Was Born On Jan 17, 1961.I Was Only 10 Years Old When I GotKidnep, r*ped. I Know Who Killed MeSoon You Will To.