What is Casey Jennings's middle name?
What is Casey Jennings's full name?
Casey Thomas Jennings
Casey Jennings date of birth:
July 10, 1975
How old is Casey Jennings?
Where was Casey Jennings born?
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
How tall is Casey Jennings?
6' 3" (190 cm)
Casey Jennings body shape:
What color is Casey Jennings's hair?
Brown - Light
Is Casey Jennings gay or straight?
What is Casey Jennings's ethnicity?
What is Casey Jennings nationality?
Where did Casey Jennings go to university?
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA
What is Casey Jennings's occupation?
Beach Volleyball Player
Short Biography
Casey Thomas Jennings (born July 10, 1975) is an American beach volleyball player. He teams up with Kevin Wong and has teamed up with Brad Keenan or Matt Fuerbringer during most of his career. He married Kerri Walsh, a beach volleyball player with 3 Olympic gold medals, in 2005.