David Sloane date of birth:

April 6, 1985

How old is David Sloane?


Where was David Sloane born?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

How tall is David Sloane?

6' 4" (193 cm)

How much does David Sloane weigh?

220 lbs (99.8 kg)

David Sloane body shape:


What color are David Sloane's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is David Sloane's hair?


Is David Sloane gay or straight?


What is David Sloane's ethnicity?


What is David Sloane nationality?


What is David Sloane's occupation?

Ice Hockey Player

Short Biography

David J. Sloane (born April 6, 1985) is an American former professional ice hockey defensemen and right winger. He played in one National Hockey League (NHL) game with the Philadelphia Flyers during the 2008–09 season.