David Steinberg date of birth:

August 9, 1942

How old is David Steinberg?


Where was David Steinberg born?

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

David Steinberg body shape:


What color is David Steinberg's hair?


What is David Steinberg's ethnicity?


What is David Steinberg nationality?


What is David Steinberg's occupation?

Actor, Director, Comic

David Steinberg claim to fame:

The David Steinberg Show; Directed many shows like Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm

What genre is David Steinberg's work?

Observational comedy, Satire

Short Biography

David Steinberg (born August 9, 1942) is a Canadian comedian, actor, writer, director, and author. At the height of his popularity, during the late 1960s and early 1970s, he was one of the best-known comics in the United States. He appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson more than 130 times (second only to Bob Hope in number of appearances) and served as guest host 12 times, the youngest person ever to guest-host. Steinberg directed several films and episodes of many of the most successful television situation comedies of the last twenty years, including Seinfeld, Friends, Mad About You, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and more than 35 episodes of Designing Women.