Denise DeBartolo York nickname(s):

Denise York

Denise DeBartolo York date of birth:


How old is Denise DeBartolo York?


Where was Denise DeBartolo York born?

Youngstown, Ohio

Denise DeBartolo York body shape:


What color is Denise DeBartolo York's hair?

Brown - Dark

What is Denise DeBartolo York's ethnicity?


What is Denise DeBartolo York nationality?


What is Denise DeBartolo York's occupation?

Team Owner

Denise DeBartolo York claim to fame:

Former owner and current co-chair of the San Francisco 49ers

Short Biography

Marie Denise DeBartolo York (born 1950) is an American heir and businesswoman, the owner and co-chair of the San Francisco 49ers American football team. She is the daughter of late construction magnate Edward J. DeBartolo Sr. and the late Marie Patricia Montani DeBartolo.