Desiree Valverde nickname(s):

Miss July 2007

Where was Desiree Valverde born?

Revere, Massachusetts

How tall is Desiree Valverde?

5' 4" (163 cm)

What is Desiree Valverde nationality?


What is Desiree Valverde's occupation?


Desiree Valverde claim to fame:

Miss Howard TV July 2007, New England Patriots Cheerleader

Short Biography

20 Questions for Miss Howard TVWhat’s your hometown and where do you live now? I grew up in Revere, Massachusetts and now live in the NYC area. What do you do from 9-5?Mostly audition.What do you do after that?Take dance or acting class, relax at home, read, go out occasionally w/ the girls, hang w/ my boyfriend, watch movies, eat... the usual.Have you had any creepy “casting couch” modeling experiences?Unfortunately, yes. I had just begun auditioning and was new to the process. I had gone on a first audition and performed a scene with another actor. The director called me in for a call back. When I got there, he surprisingly revealed that he would now be playing the character in the new scene. Well, there was a kiss in the scene and let`s just say he completely took advantage of the situation. I was totally freaked out, but didn`t know if I was overreacting. I talked to my acting coach and found out that the director was completely out of line. He actually tried to call me in for a third callback but I told him to shove it. It was a learning experience.What are some of your favorite Howard TV episodes?Strap on baseball was funny... who ever thought of that is pretty creative.Why do you like Howard Stern?Howard`s courage to be so outspoken and his ability to be unaffected by the judgment of others are definitely respectable qualities. He`s a funny guy and very quick on his toes. I admire that in a person.If you could have sex with someone on the Howard Stern Show, who would it be and why?Even though we had a "No Deal", I`d have to say Artie... there`s something kinda lovable about the guy.What do you find sexy in a man?Honesty, integrity, drive, passion, SENSE OF HUMOR, generosity, a little swagger, a kind heart (but it it`s a bonus if he`s got a little warrior in him too - kind of like King Leonidas in "300".) That`s not asking too much is it? Oh yeah, and good fashion sense - I`m a sucker for a sharp dressed man.What’s the best way for a guy to pick up a hot chick like you?Just be your self, be confident and if you`re funny that helps too. What are some things that instantly turn you off about a guy? Give us some tips. Arrogance, someone mean spirited, a phony vibe, or being cheap. Would you date a really nerdy guy... like J.D. from the Stern Show?If his game is tight maybe. LOL.Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever done it?On the beach, in broad day light, behind a big rock.Have you ever had a lesbian experience? If so, please explain. The most I`ve done is shared a kiss with 3 of my girls one night after some drinks. I don`t know. Does that qualify?Have you ever had a threesome? If so, tell us about it.No. I never had one before and now that I`m in a relationship. I don`t share so unless I`m single again doesn`t look like it`s gonna happen.Tell us about the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into.A LONG time ago, in a Galaxy far away, I was at a club & a fight broke out. I was a bystander, but I guess the bouncer thought I was involved so he got a little rough and manhandled me. I kinda flipped out on him just a little. Next thing I know I`m in the back of a police car. Hey, nobody`s perfect.What’s your best physical feature and why?My thighs. They`re thick and shapely. And my hair because it`s really shiny & healthy. I don`t know how, it takes a lot of abuse.Are bigger boobs in your future? If anything smaller boobs are in my future. I`m not going to lie and say mine are real because things that are this big and perky are obviously fake. I wanted a C cup but somehow they look way bigger than that. It`s nice when I`m wearing a bathing suit or lingerie but in everyday life I tend to hide them.If you could have one wish granted, what would it be?To live a creative life with purpose and joy and to bring joy to others... while being a successful actress/dancer with the wealth to provide for my family and friends and that my dog will live forever (That`s technically one wish -with a lot of adjectives.)Where do you see yourself in 20 years?I see myself with a solid career in entertainment and being a devoted mother enjoying family life. And hopefully looking fly! :):):) What’s your worst vice?Um, it used to be bran muffins but I`ve moved on to soy milk and peanut butter. Oh yeah and iced coffee. Things can get ugly without it.