What is Ebon Moss Bachrach's full name?
Ebon Moss-Bachrach
Ebon Moss Bachrach date of birth:
August 17, 1978
How old is Ebon Moss Bachrach?
Where was Ebon Moss Bachrach born?
Amherst, Massachusetts, USA
How tall is Ebon Moss Bachrach?
6' 1" (185 cm)
Ebon Moss Bachrach body shape:
What color are Ebon Moss Bachrach's eyes?
What color is Ebon Moss Bachrach's hair?
Brown - Dark
Is Ebon Moss Bachrach gay or straight?
What is Ebon Moss Bachrach's ethnicity?
What is Ebon Moss Bachrach nationality?
Where did Ebon Moss Bachrach go to school?
Amherst regional high school in Massachusetts
Where did Ebon Moss Bachrach go to university?
Columbia University
What is Ebon Moss Bachrach's occupation?
Actor, Sound Track
Ebon Moss Bachrach claim to fame:
The Lake House (2006)
Ebon Moss Bachrach agent:
Innovative Artists N.Y.
Short Biography
Ebon Moss-Bachrach (born August 17, 1978) is an American actor. He attended high school at Amherst Regional High School in Massachusetts and graduated from Columbia University. Moss-Bachrach is involved with photographer Yelena Yemchuk, with whom he had a child in 2006.