Elizabeth Cook date of birth:

July 17, 1972

How old is Elizabeth Cook?


Where was Elizabeth Cook born?

Wildwood, Florida, USA

Elizabeth Cook body shape:


What color is Elizabeth Cook's hair?


What is Elizabeth Cook's ethnicity?


What is Elizabeth Cook nationality?


What is Elizabeth Cook's occupation?

Country singer

Elizabeth Cook claim to fame:

Single: "Sometimes It Takes Balls To Be A Woman"

What genre is Elizabeth Cook's work?

country music, Ameripolitan

What instruments does Elizabeth Cook play?

vocals, guitar

Short Biography

Elizabeth Cook (born July 17, 1972 in Wildwood, Florida) is an American country music singer. Cook made her debut on the Grand Ole Opry on March 17, 2000 and has since released five albums — including Welder, which ranked 23 on Rolling Stone‍ '​s list of the 30 Best Albums of 2010.