What is Emily Mae Young's middle name?
What is Emily Mae Young's full name?
Emily Mae Young
Emily Mae Young date of birth:
February 14, 1990
How old is Emily Mae Young?
Where was Emily Mae Young born?
Orange County, California, USA
How tall is Emily Mae Young?
5' 5" (165 cm)
Emily Mae Young body shape:
What color are Emily Mae Young's eyes?
What color is Emily Mae Young's hair?
Is Emily Mae Young gay or straight?
What is Emily Mae Young's ethnicity?
What is Emily Mae Young nationality?
What is Emily Mae Young's occupation?
Emily Mae Young claim to fame:
Know for her role as Lilly Lamber on the tv series Step by Step and the little girl in the Welch's Grape Juice commerical
Who is Emily Mae Young's father?
Douglas Young
Who is Emily Mae Young's mother?
Tracy Young
Short Biography
Emily Mae Young (born February 14, 1990) is an American former child actress who starred on the television series Step by Step from 1996 to 1998 as Lily Foster-Lambert. She is the daughter of Doug K. and Tracy L. Young.