What is Erica Dixon's full name?

Erica Dixon

Erica Dixon date of birth:

October 12, 1985

How old is Erica Dixon?


Where was Erica Dixon born?

Atlanta, GA, USA

How tall is Erica Dixon?

5' 7" (170 cm)

Erica Dixon body shape:


What color are Erica Dixon's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Erica Dixon's hair?


Is Erica Dixon gay or straight?


What religion is Erica Dixon?


What is Erica Dixon's ethnicity?


What is Erica Dixon nationality?


Where did Erica Dixon go to university?

Emory University School of Medicine

What is Erica Dixon's occupation?

Reality Tv Star, Model, Entrepreneur

Erica Dixon claim to fame:

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta

Erica Dixon agent:

ProMotionz Agency, Mainstream Talent Agency

Short Biography

Birthed from humble beginnings in Atlanta, Georgia Erica Dixon, the youngest girl of nine siblings was raised in the mist of turbulent times. In early childhood, Erica experienced her first heartbreak when she was removed from her mother’s home due to her mother’s drug addiction and concerns regarding her safety. She would later relocate to Hempstead, NY to be reared and raised by her Aunt and Uncle, the Gourdets. This dramatic turning point in her life was the breeding ground fostering her drive, determination, and aspirations.After completing grade school and part of middle school in New York, Erica returned to Atlanta to live with her mother, but soon realized that her new living arrangement was too strenuous so she moved with her father instead. While attending high-school, she was introduced to Darryl Richardson, who would later be personified as the entertainer “Lil Scrappy.” Soon afterwards a romantic relationship between the two ensued. After graduating from Jonesboro High school, Erica enrolled in Atlanta Medical College where she obtained a certification in the highly sought after field of medical coding and bill transcription. Unfortunately the relationship with Darryl ceased after 12 volatile years. However during the course of the relationship their beautiful daughter Emani Richardson was conceived.The birth of their daughter caused a shift in Erica as she became more focused on her career and sought after ways to constantly advance and empower herself. In efforts of revitalizing Darryl’s entertainment career, an emerging opportunity through the reality television series, “Love and Hip-Hop Atlanta, ” has afforded Erica a chance to venture into the entertainment business on her own merit. Now pressing into a third season, the television series has gained continued success in ratings as it highlights the lives of various entertainers and their current or former love interests. Erica is a giver, visionary, and entrepreneur at heart as she actively donates time volunteering for various organizations. She is a firm believer of esteeming others higher than oneself. She is in the beginning stages of launching an exclusive line of clothing and jewelry that will speak to the hearts of women while both promoting inspiring messages while endowing self- confidence through style & appearance. Erica Dixon, the dreamer, the achiever, the trend setter; where destiny is manifesting into reality!