What is Ernie Kovacs's middle name?


What is Ernie Kovacs's full name?

Ernest Edward Kovacs

Ernie Kovacs date of birth:

January 23, 1919

How old was Ernie Kovacs when died?


Where was Ernie Kovacs born?

Trenton, New Jersey

When did Ernie Kovacs die?

January 13, 1962

Where did Ernie Kovacs die?

Los Angeles, CA

Why did Ernie Kovacs die?

Auto Accident

How tall is Ernie Kovacs?

6' 2" (188 cm)

Ernie Kovacs body shape:


Is Ernie Kovacs gay or straight?


What is Ernie Kovacs's ethnicity?


What is Ernie Kovacs nationality?


Where did Ernie Kovacs go to university?

New York School of Theatre

What is Ernie Kovacs's occupation?

Actor, Writer, Director

What genre is Ernie Kovacs's work?

Character comedy, Surreal Comedy, Improvisational Comedy, Prop Comedy, Spoof, Sketch, surreal comedy, improvisational comedy, prop comedy, spoof, sketch

Short Biography

Ernest Edward "Ernie" Kovacs (January 23, 1919 – January 13, 1962) was an American comedian, actor, and writer.