Eugene Turner date of birth:
November 26, 1920
How old was Eugene Turner when died?
Where was Eugene Turner born?
Los Angeles, California
When did Eugene Turner die?
January 14, 2010
Where did Eugene Turner die?
Los Angeles, California
Why did Eugene Turner die?
Natural Causes
Is Eugene Turner gay or straight?
What is Eugene Turner's ethnicity?
What is Eugene Turner nationality?
What is Eugene Turner's occupation?
Ice Skater
Short Biography
Eugene Turner (November 26, 1920 – January 14, 2010) was an American champion figure skater who competed in single skating, pair skating and ice dancing. He also coached professionally for 60 years, skated in films and authored skating works. He was born and raised in Los Angeles, California where he graduated from John Marshall High School, and spent most of his life and career in Northern California.