What is Evan Scott Golden's middle name?


What is Evan Scott Golden's full name?

Evan Scott Golden

Evan Scott Golden nickname(s):

Evan Golden

Evan Scott Golden date of birth:

October 25, 1980

How old is Evan Scott Golden?


Where was Evan Scott Golden born?

Plantation, Florida, USA

How tall is Evan Scott Golden?

5' 10½" (179 cm)

Evan Scott Golden body shape:


What color is Evan Scott Golden's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Evan Scott Golden gay or straight?


What is Evan Scott Golden's ethnicity?


What is Evan Scott Golden nationality?


Where did Evan Scott Golden go to university?

University of Central Florida

What is Evan Scott Golden's occupation?


Evan Scott Golden claim to fame:

Pledge This!, "Ivana Young Man", Hosted by Ivana Trump

Evan Scott Golden commercials and brand endorsements:

Print ad for Disney World, Print ad for Aqua-Leisure, Commercial for Ovaltine, Commercial for The Travel Channel

Short Biography

Evan Golden is an actor and producer based in South Florida. He has appeared on a number of television shows. He is currently a producer of Today in America with Terry Bradshaw, a news magazine style television program hosted by NFL Football Hall of Fame member Terry Bradshaw. His credits include appearances on The Mandy Moore Show, South Beach, and Psychic Detectives.