What is Fay Lanphier's full name?

Fay Elinora Lanphier

Fay Lanphier date of birth:

December 12, 1905

How old was Fay Lanphier when died?


Where was Fay Lanphier born?

El Dorado, California

When did Fay Lanphier die?

June 21, 1959

Where did Fay Lanphier die?

Oakland, California

Why did Fay Lanphier die?


How tall is Fay Lanphier?

5' 6" (168 cm)

How much does Fay Lanphier weigh?

138 lbs (62.6 kg)

Fay Lanphier body shape:


What color are Fay Lanphier's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Fay Lanphier's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Fay Lanphier gay or straight?


What is Fay Lanphier's ethnicity?


What is Fay Lanphier nationality?


What is Fay Lanphier's occupation?


Short Biography

Fay Elinora Lanphier (12 December 1905 – June 21, 1959) was a model most noted for becoming Miss California in 1924 and Miss America in 1925. She was also the 1925 Rose Queen. To date, she is the only person to hold both titles at the same time. She is also the first Miss California to become Miss America. Before she was Miss California, she was Miss Santa Cruz (1924). She graduated from Oakland High School in 1924.