What is Faye Brookes's middle name?


What is Faye Brookes's full name?

Faye Alicia Brookes

Faye Brookes date of birth:

September 3, 1987

How old is Faye Brookes?


Where was Faye Brookes born?

Flixton, Manchester, England, UK

How tall is Faye Brookes?

5' 4" (163 cm)

Faye Brookes body shape:


What color are Faye Brookes's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Faye Brookes's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Faye Brookes gay or straight?


What is Faye Brookes's ethnicity?


What is Faye Brookes nationality?


Where did Faye Brookes go to university?

Guildford School of Acting

What is Faye Brookes's occupation?


Faye Brookes claim to fame:

Best Actress in a Musical (nomination), 2011

Faye Brookes agent:

Waring & McKenna (UK)

Short Biography

Faye Alicia Brookes (born 3 September 1987) is an actress known for playing Kate Connor in the soap opera Coronation Street since October 2015. She won the award for Best Newcomer at the 2017 National Television Awards for her role on the show.