What is Francis Thompson's full name?

Francis Thompson

Francis Thompson date of birth:

December 16, 1859

How old was Francis Thompson when died?


Where was Francis Thompson born?

Preston, Lancashire

When did Francis Thompson die?

November 13, 1907

Why did Francis Thompson die?


Francis Thompson body shape:


Is Francis Thompson gay or straight?


What religion is Francis Thompson?

Roman Catholic

What is Francis Thompson's ethnicity?


What is Francis Thompson nationality?


What is Francis Thompson's occupation?


Who is Francis Thompson's father?

Charles Thompson (doctor)

Francis Thompson friends:

Wilfrid Meynell, Alice Meynell

Short Biography

Francis Thompson (16 December 1859 – 13 November 1907) was an English poet and ascetic. After attending college, he moved to London to become a writer, but could only find menial work and became addicted to opium, and was a street vagrant for years. A married couple read his poetry and rescued him, publishing his first book Poems in 1893. Thompson lived as an unbalanced invalid in Wales and at Storrington, but wrote three books of poetry, with other works and essays, before dying of tuberculosis in 1907.