What is Gaia De Laurentiis's middle name?
What is Gaia De Laurentiis's full name?
Gaia De Laurentiis
Gaia De Laurentiis date of birth:
February 25, 1970
How old is Gaia De Laurentiis?
Where was Gaia De Laurentiis born?
Rome, Lazio, Italy
Gaia De Laurentiis body shape:
What color are Gaia De Laurentiis's eyes?
What color is Gaia De Laurentiis's hair?
What is Gaia De Laurentiis's ethnicity?
What is Gaia De Laurentiis nationality?
Where did Gaia De Laurentiis go to university?
Piccolo Teatro Studio of Milan (1990)
What is Gaia De Laurentiis's occupation?
Actress, TV Presenter
Gaia De Laurentiis claim to fame:
Sei forte, Maestro (2000), Mi sei entrata nel cuore come un colpo di coltello (1998) and Cuori al verde (1996).
Short Biography
Gaia De Laurentiis was born on February 25, 1970 in Rome, Lazio, Italy. She is an actress, known for Sei forte, Maestro (2000), Mi sei entrata nel cuore come un colpo di coltello (1998) and Penniless Hearts (1996).