What is Gary Beban's middle name?


What is Gary Beban's full name?

Gary Joseph Beban

Gary Beban date of birth:

August 5, 1946

How old is Gary Beban?


Where was Gary Beban born?

San Francisco, CA

How tall is Gary Beban?

6' 1" (185 cm)

How much does Gary Beban weigh?

195 lbs (88.5 kg)

Gary Beban body shape:


What color are Gary Beban's eyes?


What color is Gary Beban's hair?

Brown - Light

Is Gary Beban gay or straight?


What is Gary Beban's ethnicity?


What is Gary Beban nationality?


Where did Gary Beban go to university?


What is Gary Beban's occupation?

American football player

Gary Beban claim to fame:

Washington Redskins

Short Biography

Gary Joseph Beban (born August 5, 1946) is a former American football player. Beban won the Heisman Trophy, and the Maxwell Award in 1967 while playing quarterback at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He played professional football for two seasons in the National Football League (NFL) with the Washington Redskins. Beban was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1988.