What is George Stephanopoulos's middle name?


What is George Stephanopoulos's full name?

George Robert Stephanopoulos

George Stephanopoulos date of birth:

February 10, 1961

How old is George Stephanopoulos?


Where was George Stephanopoulos born?

Fall River, Massachusetts, USA

How tall is George Stephanopoulos?

5' 6½" (169 cm)

George Stephanopoulos body shape:


What color are George Stephanopoulos's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is George Stephanopoulos's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is George Stephanopoulos gay or straight?


What religion is George Stephanopoulos?

Eastern Orthodox

What is George Stephanopoulos's ethnicity?


What is George Stephanopoulos nationality?


Where did George Stephanopoulos go to university?

BA Political Science, Columbia University (1982), MA Theology, Balliol College, Oxford University

What is George Stephanopoulos's occupation?

Television journalist political advisor

George Stephanopoulos claim to fame:

Bill Clintons Director of Communications

Short Biography

George Robert Stephanopoulos (born February 10, 1961) is an American journalist, a former U.S. Democratic Party political advisor, and chief anchor of ABC News.