What is Gundi Busch's full name?
Gundula "Gundi" Busch
Gundi Busch date of birth:
April 29, 1935
How old was Gundi Busch when died?
Where was Gundi Busch born?
Milan, Italy
When did Gundi Busch die?
January 31, 2014
Where did Gundi Busch die?
Stockholm, Sweden
Gundi Busch body shape:
What color is Gundi Busch's hair?
What is Gundi Busch's ethnicity?
What is Gundi Busch nationality?
What is Gundi Busch's occupation?
Ice Skater, coach
Gundi Busch claim to fame:
1952 Winter Olympics
Short Biography
Gundula "Gundi" Busch (April 29, 1935 – January 31, 2014) was a German figure skater and coach. She was the first World champion ladies' singles champion representing Germany. She took part in the 1952 Winter Olympics in Oslo and finished 8th in the Ladies Singles.