Hinko Juhn date of birth:
June 9, 1891
How old was Hinko Juhn when died?
Where was Hinko Juhn born?
Podgorač, Austria-Hungary, today's Croatia
When did Hinko Juhn die?
September 5, 1940
Where did Hinko Juhn die?
Zagreb, Hrvatska (Croatia)
Hinko Juhn body shape:
Is Hinko Juhn gay or straight?
What religion is Hinko Juhn?
What is Hinko Juhn's ethnicity?
What is Hinko Juhn nationality?
What is Hinko Juhn's occupation?
The sculptor
Short Biography
Hinko Juhn (1891–1940) was a Croatian Jewish sculptor, best known for his ceramics. He studied at the Arts & Crafts College in Zagreb and the International Academy in Florence, and took specialist classes in ceramics in the Czech Republic, Germany and at the Vienna School of Applied Arts. On his return to Zagreb, he exhibited his work at the Spring Salon, and introduced ceramic techniques to a new generation of Croatian artists through his teaching.