Hong Kyung min date of birth:

February 9, 1976

How old is Hong Kyung min?


Where was Hong Kyung min born?

South Korea

Hong Kyung min body shape:


What color are Hong Kyung min's eyes?


What color is Hong Kyung min's hair?


What is Hong Kyung min's ethnicity?


What is Hong Kyung min nationality?

South Korean

What is Hong Kyung min's occupation?

Singer, Actor, DJ

What genre is Hong Kyung min's work?

Pop rock, Latin dance

What instruments does Hong Kyung min play?

Guitar, Keyboard, Drums, Saxophone, Harmonica

Short Biography

Hong Kyung-Min (Hangul: 홍경민; born February 9, 1976) is a South Korean pop rock singer known for his versatility. He is one of a few singers in Korea that excels at many different styles of music, from rock to dance to ballad. He has also proven himself a talented musician and a well rounded entertainer.