What is Hylda Queally's full name?

Hylda Queally

Hylda Queally date of birth:


How old is Hylda Queally?


Where was Hylda Queally born?

Barefield, County Clare, Ireland

Hylda Queally body shape:


What color are Hylda Queally's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Hylda Queally's hair?

Brown - Dark

What is Hylda Queally's ethnicity?


What is Hylda Queally nationality?


Where did Hylda Queally go to school?

Colaiste Mhuire in Ennis

What is Hylda Queally's occupation?

Talent Agent at Creative Artists Agency

Hylda Queally claim to fame:

She is an agent for some top actresses

Short Biography

Hylda Queally (b. 1961) is an Irish-American talent agent in the Hollywood film industry. She is an agent for some top actresses such as Cate Blanchett, Kate Winslet, Marion Cotillard, Michelle Williams and Noomi Rapace, and has consistently been ranked by Elle and numerous other publications as one of the most powerful women in Hollywood.