Jahan Yousaf date of birth:

August 27, 1989

How old is Jahan Yousaf?


Where was Jahan Yousaf born?

Northbrook, IL

How tall is Jahan Yousaf?

5' 6" (168 cm)

Jahan Yousaf body shape:


What color are Jahan Yousaf's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Jahan Yousaf's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Jahan Yousaf gay or straight?


What is Jahan Yousaf nationality?


What is Jahan Yousaf's occupation?

Musical Artist

Jahan Yousaf claim to fame:

Band " Krewella"

Short Biography

Jahan Yousaf (born Aug 27th, 1989) is one of the two female members of Krewella, the other is her sister Yasmine Yousaf. Her mother is American whereas her father is from Pakistan. She met Rain Man at a frat party when she was 16.