James Fogarty nickname(s):

Mr. Fog

James Fogarty date of birth:


How old is James Fogarty?


Where was James Fogarty born?

Brighton, England

James Fogarty body shape:


What color are James Fogarty's eyes?

Brown - Light

What color is James Fogarty's hair?

Brown - Light

What is James Fogarty's ethnicity?


What is James Fogarty nationality?


What is James Fogarty's occupation?

Musician, Artist

James Fogarty claim to fame:


Short Biography

James Fogarty (born 1978, Brighton, England) is an English multi-media artist. Concentrating mainly on music crossing over between metal and sampled based music, his projects past and present are The Blacksmoke Organisation, The Bombs Of Enduring Freedom, Ewigkeit, Jaldaboath (both as a solo artist and founding member of The Meads Of Asphodel) and producing occasional releases for Death To Music productions. He also contributed artwork to the CNPD in the book Stamps Of Mass Destruction (and other postal disasters) Vol 2 (ISBN 1-871894-97-2), printed in 2005.