Janay DeLoach date of birth:
October 12, 1985
How old is Janay DeLoach?
Where was Janay DeLoach born?
Panama City, Florida, United States
How tall is Janay DeLoach?
5' 5" (165 cm)
How much does Janay DeLoach weigh?
130 lbs (59.0 kg)
Janay DeLoach body shape:
What color are Janay DeLoach's eyes?
What color is Janay DeLoach's hair?
Is Janay DeLoach gay or straight?
What is Janay DeLoach's ethnicity?
What is Janay DeLoach nationality?
What is Janay DeLoach's occupation?
Track and Field Athlete
Short Biography
Cynithia "Janay" DeLoach (born 12 October 1985) is a United States track and field athlete currently ranked second in the world for long jump. She was listed in The Coloradoan's #3 Top Sports Story of 2011 about her road to the 2012 Olympics. She is currently signed to Nike, Otterbox, and Old Town Square Properties and trains in Colorado.