Jean Shin date of birth:


How old is Jean Shin?


Where was Jean Shin born?

Seoul, South Korea

Jean Shin body shape:


What color are Jean Shin's eyes?


What color is Jean Shin's hair?


What is Jean Shin's ethnicity?


What is Jean Shin nationality?

South Korean

What is Jean Shin's occupation?


Short Biography

Jean Shin (born 1971 in Seoul, South Korea) is an American artist who lives and works in New York City. She attended the Pratt Institute for a master in art history. In addition to her work as an artist, Shin has also worked as a teacher in Liquitex/ColArt Americas, Inc., Pratt Institute, School of art and design, and the Art Center in New York City. She has also been a guest to other institutions including the Brooklyn Museum, Asia Society and Museum, Museum of Modern Art, Contemporary Art Council, Parson’s School of Art and Design, and the Fabric Workship and Museum in Philadelphia.