What is John, Prince of Asturias's middle name?
John, Prince of Asturias date of birth:
June 28, 1478
How old was John, Prince of Asturias when died?
When did John, Prince of Asturias die?
October 4, 1497
John, Prince of Asturias body shape:
What color are John, Prince of Asturias's eyes?
What color is John, Prince of Asturias's hair?
John, Prince of Asturias distinctive features:
Strawberry-Blonde Hair
Is John, Prince of Asturias gay or straight?
What religion is John, Prince of Asturias?
Roman Catholic
What is John, Prince of Asturias's ethnicity?
What is John, Prince of Asturias nationality?
What is John, Prince of Asturias's occupation?
Who is John, Prince of Asturias's father?
Ferdinand II of Aragon
Who is John, Prince of Asturias's mother?
Isabella I of Castile
John, Prince of Asturias sister(s):
Isabella of Aragon, Queen of Portugal, Joanna of Castile, Maria of Aragon, Queen of Portugal, Katherine of Aragon
Short Biography
John, Prince of Asturias, (28 June 1478 – 4 October 1497) was the only son of Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon who survived to adulthood.