Joseph Kearns date of birth:

February 12, 1907

How old was Joseph Kearns when died?


Where was Joseph Kearns born?

Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

When did Joseph Kearns die?

February 17, 1962

Where did Joseph Kearns die?

Los Angeles, California, USA

Why did Joseph Kearns die?

Cerebral hemorrhage

Joseph Kearns body shape:


What color is Joseph Kearns's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Joseph Kearns gay or straight?


What is Joseph Kearns's ethnicity?


What is Joseph Kearns nationality?


What is Joseph Kearns's occupation?


Joseph Kearns claim to fame:

Anatomy of a Murder

Short Biography

Joseph Sherrard Kearns (February 12, 1907 – February 17, 1962) was an American actor, who is best remembered for his role as George Wilson ("Mr. Wilson") in the CBS television series Dennis the Menace from 1959 until his death in 1962, and for providing the voice of the Doorknob in the animated Disney film, Alice in Wonderland.