Julian Hawthorne date of birth:

June 22, 1846

How old was Julian Hawthorne when died?


Where was Julian Hawthorne born?

Boston, Massachusetts, United States

When did Julian Hawthorne die?

July 21, 1934

Where did Julian Hawthorne die?

San Francisco, California, United States

Julian Hawthorne body shape:


What color is Julian Hawthorne's hair?

Salt and Pepper

Is Julian Hawthorne gay or straight?


What is Julian Hawthorne's ethnicity?


What is Julian Hawthorne nationality?


What is Julian Hawthorne's occupation?

Novelist, short story writer, journalist

Short Biography

Julian Hawthorne (June 22, 1846 – July 21, 1934) was an American writer and journalist, the son of novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne and Sophia Peabody. He wrote numerous poems, novels, short stories, mystery/detective fiction, essays, travel books, biographies and histories. As a journalist he reported on the Indian Famine for Cosmopolitan magazine, and the Spanish–American War for the New York Journal.