What is Julie Mann's full name?
Julie Mann
Julie Mann nickname(s):
Julie Mann
Where did Julie Mann go to university?
Georgia State University
What is Julie Mann's occupation?
Short Biography
Julie is a graduate of Georgia State University, with a Bachelor of Visual Arts, majoring in Interior Design. She worked as a commercial interior designer for almost 20 years, often serving as an art consultant. A native of Atlanta, she and her husband live in Sandy Springs, and have two adult children. After dabbling in many other mediums, Julie discovered her passion for oil painting! Eager to continue learning and perfecting her skills, Julie loves to take workshops and instruction under numerous nationally known artists. She is also inspired by the work of many fellow artists and friends in the art community. Her love for the great outdoors inspires many of her scenes from travels in the U.S. and Europe. She loves to paint “en plein air” (outdoors on location) whenever possible. When Julie chooses her subject matter, she looks for something unique that excites her about the scene or subject. Then she tries to capture it on canvas in hopes that the viewers may also be excited about it and reflect upon memories of their own experiences. Landscapes, some with architectural interest, water reflections and skyscapes, animals, and scripture-bordered scenes are among her favorite subject matters to create.Paint with a Joyful Heart!After becoming an oil artist, my view of the world around me has changed to a more visual perspective. I now see a beautiful sunset, or cloud patterns, or sunlit building and think, “How would I paint that, and what colors and brushstrokes would I use?” I am constantly reminded of our God, the Great Creator who made the sunsets, animals, trees, and sky. These are the subjects that I love to paint. So, as I use this creative gift that He gave me, “I paint with a joyful heart!”