Julie Taymor date of birth:

December 20, 1952

How old is Julie Taymor?


Where was Julie Taymor born?

Newton, Massachusetts, U.S.

How tall is Julie Taymor?

5' 5" (165 cm)

Julie Taymor body shape:


What color are Julie Taymor's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Julie Taymor's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Julie Taymor gay or straight?


What religion is Julie Taymor?


What is Julie Taymor's ethnicity?


What is Julie Taymor nationality?


What is Julie Taymor's occupation?

Stage and film director

Julie Taymor claim to fame:


Who is Julie Taymor's father?

Melvin Lester Taymor

Who is Julie Taymor's mother?

Elizabeth Bernstein

Short Biography

Julie Taymor (born December 15, 1952) is an American director of theater, opera and film. She is best known for directing the stage musical, The Lion King, for which she became the first woman to win the Tony Award for directing a musical, in addition to a Tony Award for Original Costume Design.