What is Justin Edwards's full name?

Justin Edwards

Justin Edwards date of birth:

February 14, 1972

How old is Justin Edwards?


Where was Justin Edwards born?

Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England, UK

How tall is Justin Edwards?

6' 4" (193 cm)

Justin Edwards body shape:


What color are Justin Edwards's eyes?


What color is Justin Edwards's hair?


Justin Edwards distinctive features:

Tall Stature

Is Justin Edwards gay or straight?


What is Justin Edwards's ethnicity?


What is Justin Edwards nationality?


Where did Justin Edwards go to university?

Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts, London, 1997 , Manchester University, French BA Drama BA, Manchester, 1995

What is Justin Edwards's occupation?

Actor, Writer, Voice Artist, Comedian

Justin Edwards claim to fame:

Thor: The Dark World (2013)

Justin Edwards agent:

Independent Talent, Fiona McLoughlin, Agent, Sue Terry Voices, Sue Terry, Agent

Short Biography

Justin Edwards (born 1972) is an English actor, comedian, voice actor and writer.