Kang in date of birth:
January 17, 1985
How old is Kang in?
Where was Kang in born?
Seoul, South Korea
How tall is Kang in?
5' 10" (178 cm)
Kang in body shape:
What color are Kang in's eyes?
What color is Kang in's hair?
Is Kang in gay or straight?
What is Kang in's ethnicity?
What is Kang in nationality?
South Korean
Where did Kang in go to university?
Paekche Institute of the Arts
What is Kang in's occupation?
Kang in claim to fame:
Super Junior
What genre is Kang in's work?
K-pop, Dance, Dance
What instruments does Kang in play?
Piano, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Piano, Guitar, Bass Guitar
Kang in agent:
SM Entertainment
Short Biography
Kim Young-woon (born January 17, 1985), better known by his stage name Kangin (lit. meaning: "strong benevolence"), is a South Korean singer and actor. He is a member of the South Korean boy band Super Junior. In July 2010, Kangin enlisted for mandatory military service and was discharged in April 2012.