What is Karen Allen's middle name?
What is Karen Allen's full name?
Karen Jane Allen
Karen Allen date of birth:
October 5, 1951
How old is Karen Allen?
Where was Karen Allen born?
Carrollton, Illinois, USA
How tall is Karen Allen?
5' 5" (165 cm)
Karen Allen body shape:
What color are Karen Allen's eyes?
What color is Karen Allen's hair?
Brown - Dark
Is Karen Allen gay or straight?
What is Karen Allen's ethnicity?
What is Karen Allen nationality?
Where did Karen Allen go to school?
DuVal High School, Glenndale, MD (1969)
Where did Karen Allen go to university?
University of Maryland , Lee Strasberg Institute
What is Karen Allen's occupation?
Karen Allen claim to fame:
Marion Ravenwood in Raiders of the Lost Ark
Short Biography
Karen Jane Allen (born October 5, 1951) is an American actress. She played Marion Ravenwood in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008). Allen has also had roles in films such as National Lampoon's Animal House (1978), The Wanderers (1979), Cruising (1980), Shoot the Moon (1982), Starman (1984), Scrooged (1988), The Sandlot (1993), The Perfect Storm (2000) and Poster Boy (2004).